Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy November

I actually like November. Sunlight is so different when it doesn't have leaves to soak it all up before it hits the ground.

Anyway, my interest this morning is: What piece of advice did you follow all your life, and have only recently realized that it was bad advice and screwed you up royally?

Being a kind of gullible person, I can give you legions of examples. One major one that we've all heard: Follow your heart.

What the hell does that mean, really? Does it mean quit your job and move to Sri Lanka if your current boyfriend decides to join the rebellion? Or does it mean, I really love my living-room decor and cannot leave it under any circumstances, including my boyfriend moving to Sri Lanka?

Then, if the living-room decor wins, the very people who advised you to follow your heart turn around and chastise you for being selfish!

When I was agonizing about what to major in in college, my brother told me to pick anything, and worry about what I want to do after I get my degree.

So I did, and I've been worrying ever since. Shoulda gone in the army.

What I really would have enjoyed was becoming one of the June Taylor dancers. Those numbers where they lie on the floor and make a pattern when viewed from above ... Too cool! Unfortunately, becoming a June Taylor dancer was not just unthinkable but unimaginable in my middle-class Lutheran family.

I wonder if it's too late? Any advice?

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