Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pennywhistles: Together At Last

My twin nephews, Duncan and Kyle, probably will never appreciate what a wonderful thing they did for me last evening. It was like a Make-A-Wish dream come true.

They and their roommate, Maria, came over and we played my four-part pennywhistle arrangements of "Hello, Dolly," "Piano Favorites," "William Tell Overture" and "Battle Hymn of the Republic."

It is such a joy to play with people for whom musical instruments are like natural appendages. These guys don't play pennywhistle every day, but they gamely picked them up, quickly grasped the essentials and even transposed while sight-reading.

Granted, four pennywhistles playing in harmony can get old really quickly. But the "funny factor" is so worth it. Poor Dunc had one part where he had the same four-note figure over and over and over again; for this he earned a music performance degree at SUNY Purchase?

The boys and Maria were such good sports to humor me. I hope they had fun, too. I hope they will come play with me again!

They'd better, actually, so we can make a recording and I can post it here!

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