Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Animal Distribution

I spent the entire day outsourcing animal care. Next time I go on a trip (which will be never, if I have to do this again) I will obnoxiously demand that the people who have agreed to care for this or that animal come pick the animal up. I'm going to completely ignore that they're doing me a favor by taking the guinea pigs or parakeets or horse for a week. I want more from my friends! More!

OK, so I can hardly keep my eyes open. Walked the horse three miles. Drove all over creation, delivering cute little animals hither and thither.

Seriously, I am very grateful to those who opened their homes to my pets. I am also seriously sleep-deprived. I don't think I 'll have the energy to post tomorrow, so consider this my Oct. 21 contribution.


  1. Perhaps you should conduct a survey to find out how best to distribute your animals.
