Tuesday, October 13, 2009

X-ray vision

I heard on the radio this morning that there's a new machine that uses X-rays to scan travelers at airports. No more patdowns. The people who are watching the scans are not at the security checkpoint -- they're stashed away in another room, monitoring screens, giggling over your prosthesis or breast implants or piercings or certain unusual types of jewelry.

We're supposed to be relieved that at least they can't see our blushing faces while they're checking out our hidden, personal accoutrements.

I'm not relieved. At least when someone's patting you down, you know they're awake! These people off at the remote location could be taking a nap, for all we know, surfacing from their dreamworld just long enough to push the "OK" button on the guy with the Uzi strapped to his leg, which they didn't see, because they were enjoying their fourth REM stage of the day.

Why doesn't the government think these things through? Now the TSA will have to invest in cameras to monitor the monitors. And cattle prods to wake them up. More taxpayer money down the drain!

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